Monday, August 5, 2019

The 28 Days Keto Diet

The 28 Days Keto Diet

The 28 Days Keto Diet


Starting a new diet can be confusing at first. Trying to figure out what you can eat, which foods you need to eliminate, and how to meal plan and grocery shop can frustrate many people into quitting before they even begin.

Adapting to a keto lifestyle can be especially daunting. At first glance, this way of eating seems super restrictive. You may think you have to give up all your favorite foods. But I’m here to say, you are totally mistaken!
The Keto Diet is so much more than just steak, bacon, and cheese! And honestly, if the diet was that restricted, no one could last very long. I don’t know about you, but I like a lot of variety in my diet!
Once you really learn what and how to eat on the keto diet, you will be setting yourself up for success without feeling like you are missing out.
Now, you could spend hours upon hours, days and weeks researching the keto diet. This is frustrating to even the most ambitious person.
OR! You can take advantage of a single resource which covers everything for you!

I personally bought the program for myself recently and wish I would have known about it when I began my keto journey over a year ago! It is hands down, the best one-stop shop for all your keto information!
The 28-Day Keto Challenge is designed to help you through your first month of Keto, setting you up for long-term success.
So you’re probably wondering what you get with this program, right?
When you sign up for The 28-Day Keto Challenge, you receive a 28-day meal plan plus 7 guide books to educate you on everything you need to know about the Keto Diet.

The 7 Guide Books

Here’s what you can expect to find in the 7 guide books.
Book #1: Keto Diet: The Basics
The Basics will set the foundation for the keto diet. The table of contents include:
  • Introduction
  • Basics of the Keto Diet
  • Keto Diet Goals
  • Getting Started: Food List, Keto Food Pyramid, and Recommended Supplies
  • Tips for Success
  • Foods to enjoy and foods to avoid
Book #2: Eating on Keto
Eating on Keto will walk you through how to customize the meal plan specifically for you and your caloric needs. Since the keto is a high-fat diet, this book will show you how to add additional fats to your meals.
One of my favorite parts of this book is information on cravings, how to recognize what your body actually needs, and what foods fulfill the root cause of the craving.
Finally, you will get 10 breakfast, 14 lunch and 14 dinner recipes which are a companion to the 28-Day Meal plan that you receive. All the research work has been done for you!
Book #3: Ketosis: Tips for Staying in Ketosis
Learn what it means to be in ketosis, how to achieve it in as little as three days, signs you are in ketosis, and much more. It’s pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about ketosis. You will be a ketosis expert after reading this book!
You will also learn the three methods for testing ketones, as well as the pros and cons of each method.
Book #4: Macros: A Micro Look at Macronutrients
To be honest, the idea of counting macros delayed my desire to begin the keto diet for a long time. It seems quite intimidating and time-consuming, but I promise it’s not as difficult as it seems.
You’ll learn exactly what a “macro” is and what percentage of each of the three macronutrients you should aim for. Plus you’ll discover how to count and track macros, the difference between a net carb and a total carb and how to watch out for hidden carbs.
Book #5: Keto Flu: Beating It in a Healthy Way
Oh, the dreaded keto flu! It hits everyone differently, and not everyone suffers from it.
The Keto Flu book will tell you what the keto flu is and the quickest way to beat it if you experience symptoms. But again, not everyone does.
Book #6: Intermittent Fasting: Tips for Success
Did you know there is more than one way to Intermittent Fast? If you are unfamiliar with intermittent fasting, this book will teach you what it is, why you should intermittent fast and the different types of intermittent fasting. Plus how to break the fast and tips for success!
Book #7: Keto and Friends: Dealing with Social Pressures
Not all of your friends will understand the new lifestyle change you have chosen. This book will teach you how to deal with social pressures from friends, family and co-workers. You’ll get tips on how to order when eating out and even some advice for those that like to enjoy the occasional adult beverage.

The 28-Day Meal Plan

In addition to the guides, you will receive a meal plan, using recipes from Book #2. Most of the recipes can be made in under 30 minutes, which means they are great for batch-cooking on the weekends so there is less cooking during the week.
If there happens to be a recipe with ingredients you do not like, no problem! You just switch out another recipe for that day. Easy Peasy!

But Wait! There’s More!

The 28-Day Keto Challenge comes with 3 BONUS books!
Bonus #1: Keto Desserts
It can be tough to give up sweets, but thankfully there are several natural sugar alternatives to choose from, (erythritol, stevia, monk fruit) that have little to no impact on your blood sugar.
This book will give you 36 easy to make fat bombs to help you through the cravings while helping you get all your fats in!
Bonus #2: Avocado Recipes
Avocados are a great fat source on the keto diet and this book will give you 5 tasty recipe ideas using avocadoes.
Bonus #3: Keto Supplement Guide
Here you will find the best supplements to take alongside the Keto diet. They are not a requirement for success but may aid your transition into ketosis and make the diet more effective.

Surely there’s a Downside, right?

Ok, no program is perfect, but I only found one thing I would change (If I was the creator of the program, which I’m not), and that would be to include a weekly grocery shopping list.
But understand this, since this program is meant to be customizable to your individual caloric needs, it’s impossible to create a grocery shopping list to fit everyone. A base grocery list would be nice though ðŸ˜Š.

Are you Ready for the Challenge?

It’s time to jump right in! You could do your own research and create your own meal plans, but how much time will you spend on that every week for the next month?

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